Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching is a service specifically relating to people living with disabilities and accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
When I was significantly unwell for over 10 years, I found it very difficult navigating services and finding out what I could get access to in terms of support. I felt insignificant and like I was a burden to those around me, and spent large portions of time stuck in a space of not feeling capable or good enough to access services that would have helped me improve sooner.
I don’t want other people to have to experience this and so will be providing Psychosocial Recovery Coaching to help participants access what is available to them.
This service is focused on supporting participants to access supports that suit them, that are tailored to their needs and that are accessible. This service is also for participants already on the scheme and not those seeking access to the NDIS.
Within this space I focus on neuroaffirming supports and assisting people to advocate for themselves and their needs.